Mail Train is simple e-mail for your business or project

An app that makes e-mail admin fast, simple & secure.

Sign up now for early access.

Mail Train

Why Mail Train

➊ Simple

Everything you need – nothing you don't. We're obsessing over designing a simple interface that gets the job done.

➋ Fast & secure

Using modern technology that's been built for speed & security from the ground up. Trusted by for example Hover, Squarespace & Shopify.

➌ Independent

Don't be the product yourself. Support an independent company and keep clear of ‘big tech’ and ‘big data’.

Mail Train


➊ Accounts

Create accounts with e-mail, contacts and calendar for everyone on your team.

➋ Forwards

Forward e-mail from one address to another or create groups.

➌ Domains

Add domains and aliases with a hands on guide on how to update your DNS records.

Mail Train

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